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Frozen Embryo Transfer
Embryos of suitable quality, in excess of the number used for transfer can, with your consent, be frozen and stored. If pregnancy does not occur in a stimulated cycle the frozen embryos may be thawed and transferred in a later cycle.

In the cycle during which you are having your frozen embryos thawed and transferred we will need to monitor your cycle with blood tests or a urine dipstick and a vaginal ultrasound scan. Monitoring usually begins 4 to 5 days before the expected day of ovulation and continues until blood hormone levels or urine tests confirm ovulation is imminent. Your embryos are thawed approximately 72 hours later.

Women who have regular cycles will usually have their natural cycles monitored.

Women with irregular cycles who do not ovulate, will require medication in order to time the transfer. This usually involves a combination of oral oestrogen tablets, sometimes with additional oestrogen patches as well as progesterone pessaries or vaginal gel.

Between 60 and 70 percent of embryos which are frozen will thaw successfully and can be transferred. In some cases none of the embryos survive and there will not be a transfer.

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